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美容仪器、美体仪器 、养生仪器、检测仪器


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首页 > 供应资讯 > 供应英文版量子检测仪、中医亚健康检测仪、美容仪器厂家
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 956
发货 付款后3天内
库存 500台起订1台
品牌 必登高
型号 BD-2052C
规格 ****
过期 长期有效
更新 2017-07-15 07:27
详细信息IP属地 广东

Theory Description
The human body is the collective body of large number of cells, which are in continuous growth, development, differentiation, regeneration, and death. The cells renew themselves by self-division. There are about 25,000,000 cells dividing in adult human body per second. And the dividing speed of the blood cells is about 100,000,000/s. During the process of dividing and growth, the nucleus and the extranuclear electron, the basic components of the cell with electricity, are making the high- speed movement and changing. In the meanwhile, the electromagnetic waves are radiating outward constantly. The electromagnetic waves stand for the different specific states of human body, such as healthy state, sub-healthy state and disease state. In different states, the corresponding electromagnetic waves are different. Thus, we can check out the human body state if these specific electromagnetic waves are detected. In quantum medical area, the fundamental reason for people suffering disease is that the spinning and the orbiting of the electron have changed, which makes the atoms change, which causes the biological micro molecule change. Therefore, the biological macromolecule changes, gradually, the whole cell starts to change, and ultimately the whole organ change. Since the electron is a charged body, when the spinning and the orbiting of it have changed, the electromagnetic waves inside will change accordingly. The energy of electromagnetic wave variation, which is caused by the different states of dieses and nutrition, is very.